In October of 2018, I was made redundant from my job. This was the second redundancy in the last 3 years, after having had a full and successful career for over 20 years. As I’m sure you’ll appreciate, this 2nd knockback takes a bit of thinking about. After careful consideration, I decided not to immediately try and re-enter the rat race and try something else for myself, and with Jen, my beautiful wife.
After a little thought and not too little a push from my son Charlie, I started to consider having a go at monetizing a blog. The subject matter was easy because both Jen and I are food and wine nuts, but how to go about it? I started reading various web articles on different blogs, how they created a revenue stream and the general internet monetization subject. This led me to come across a food blog called Pinch of Yum.
Now, the really interesting thing about what Lindsay and Bjork have done with the Pinch of Yum is that not only is it a very clean and usable website with lot’s of yummy recipes, but Bjork has also charted the creation and business side of blogging.
To this end, I thought I’d follow this successful formula myself and do something similar. This section, therefore, takes a month by month look at the blogging journey from a business standpoint. The reports below talk about what has happened inside The Yum Yum Club each month and, most importantly, how the monetization has gone, and what we are doing to keep improving.
We start with October 2018, which was when The Yum Yum Club opened for business, although only halfway through the month…